️Amazing news is slowly cooking. We're excited to announce the exact date of listing on the coinstore exchange on April 30.

26 Apr 2023, 14:52
⚡️Amazing news is slowly cooking. 🟢We're excited to announce the exact date of listing on the coinstore exchange on April 30. 🔴Also, to choise the 10 exchanges announced, cast your vote with enthusiasm and have up to apr 30 to show your power nd love to the community and register your votes. After the final 3 winners are announced, we'll have another poll with them again. Wait for many surprises, as an "Double excitement" will be added to the final poll Hottest😀 #poll #Community #cryptocurrency #FWC #Exchanges #listing #winner #Updating #FWClisting #Binance #bscscan #Vote 🕊